Sunday, April 20, 2014

Why some businesses fail while others thrive.

As is my usual Saturday habit, I ventured to one of the well-known machine and woodworking tool distributors for snoop and my customary, usual purchase.

     The first thing I noticed was that there was  no one in the parking lot.
I was the only vehicle.
I thought that perhaps that branch was closed for some reason.
I parked and looked through the window and the lights are on so I ventured to the door.
There are double doors leading to the display area with an atrium to prevent heat loss during the winter months.
Plastered all over the glass and doors were terms and conditions for sale and the return policy. They had been printed on a laser printer and stuck on the glass with scotch tape leaving the impression for me at least that I had just entered some second-rate flea market.

    I glanced over my right shoulder and through the glass I could see the loan cashier playing a game on her I Pad while holding same under cover of the counter.
I presume she wanted to hide the fact that she had no interest in participating with this operation but perhaps was merely punching the clock and waiting for quitting time.

No doubt a simple question like “Where’s the sandpaper?” would have baffled her at this time.
I opened the door and ventured in only to see the cashier continue playing with her I pad.
 She didn't even bother to look up. ( I was less than 4 feet from her.)

    The store occupies roughly 5000 ft.² and is littered with machines and tools on display for sale.
There was one other customer in the store and he was proceeding to leave as I entered.
 I worked my way down one aisle looking at this and that. Much of it had price tags and many did not.
      A small advert pasted on the wall half way down the display area announced a 3 day sale from April 9th to April 12th. It was April 20th today making the pricing questionable to say the least.

    The manager, whom I have known for more than a year, was tinkering with one of his hobby creations and attempting to set it up on one of the wood lathes on display.
He looked up and acknowledged me but quickly went right back to playing with his toys.

     I gradually made my way back to the front door and left the building taking careful note that no one looked up or acknowledged the fact I was leaving.

 Next time I hear someone complaining that employers don't give entry-level staff a decent wage and I will reflect back on this situation and question why employees, while being paid, don’t try to give anything back to the employer.


  1. It's frustrating and depressing to witness this lack of caring by employees. What's it going to take?
    Maybe a trip down to the Bissel Centre to see the homeless. Some might have to ask themselves: Could this happen to me?

  2. I understand your point- seeing the company underlings adrift in a retail haze. But where does that come from? The top. Why were there no customers in the store? Obviously someone higher up isn't bringing in the traffic, marketing is failing, or the product offering is stagnant.

    I guess my point is Apathy is trickle down. Most corporate retail doesn't care about woodworking, or quality tools, they have a bean counter do the buying from the cheapest supplier. When a team of employees knows the management doesn't care, it's epidemic.

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